tempus fugit

By ceridwen

The Romance of the Fungus World*

This title of a book on the shelves in my childhood home (I still have it) came to mind when I dipped into the woods this afternoon.

 Left: Angel's Wings is  a Pleurotus  fungus resembling this one but I can't say for certain this is it.

Right, Witches Butter is the popular name of this black slimy substance, Exidua plana - ideal for a quiet Hallowe'en celebration;

Below, the Weeping Polypore Inonotus dryadeus, exudes amber tears in the phenomenon known as guttation (other species do it too and one oozes drops like blood, see here if you're interested.)

* The Romance of the Fungus World: An Account of Fungus Life in Its Numerous Guises, Both Real and Legendary, by R.T. Rolfe and F.W. Rolfe, 1925. 12 shillings. (Extra)
Inside is a hand-written letter to my father from one of the authors, dated 1927, on the subject of morel mushrooms.

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