Day off

And not only that but a lie in until 9! The headache is still there but not quite as bad so I took it slowly and did the shopping at Lidl first. But that frustrated me as the person on the till just rushed everything through and I didn’t have time to get it into my trolley without it just falling in a heap. Anyway, i find it my least favourite bit about shopping in Lidl.

Then I went to Sheringham to buy a few bits in Tesco that I can’t get at Lidl, then home where I enjoyed a cappuccino in front of the tv before I put the shopping away.

Later on I did a bit of tidying up in the garden. Got rid of my tomato plants, picking everything that wasn’t going mouldy, and put all the stakes and string away to be used again next year. Then cut the lawn as you can see, in my new dungarees! It was nice getting some fresh air and I do feel better outside. Either the headaches goes, or I am just too occupied to notice it. So then I went round to the front and started clearing some of the dead bits by the stream on mums side. I’ll carry on with that next weekend I think. Just to make it tidy.

A quick walk to the allotment with Mollie to feel the hens, and pleased to see the water had subsided. Hopefully my veg will survive it.

Some tv now, then an early night.

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