
By Poppy

Watching the rain!

Lottie's stitches are out, all ten of them, and she's back to being herself again. I've given her a bit of a going over with the clippers and trimmed her face with the scissors and she's looking much smarter.

Picked what surely must be the last of the sweet peas. The plants have all collapsed, but they are still managing to flowering. Sadly the carrots are mostly in flower too! Still, they are nicely architectural and brighten up that bit of the garden!

Other outdoor jobs included moving the hens to a drier bit of ground. The water runs down off the hill, through the field, and even a few hens can churn it to mud in no time. The new, ex battery, ones are well settled now and their feathers are growing back nicely. They are laying as well as can be expected at this time of the year too, lovely big eggs. I'm just waiting until they are a bit more well covered before introducing them to the big girls!

Weather for knitting and baking. As requested, rock buns and fruit cake, and a granary loaf to restock the bread bin! In the meantime I am following Lottie round the house with a pair of scissors, evening out my hairdressing efforts!

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