It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Ferro Fluid

Back to the lab ...or my case the Studio. Ive wanted to try togging Ferro Fluid for a while and after getting the wrong strength  magnet, I was lucky to get help from a friend on Flickr who sent me the correct strength magnets! Very strong to the point of skin crushingly strong! 
Ferro Fluid was created by NASA engineer Steve Papell. All good things are created by engineers or scientists! 
I got lost in my own world messing about with this stuff last night which was a welcome release. This stuff really does suck up all available light though, so I played about with the  R1C1 Ring flash and some gels and then I moved onto the Big Boys....The Bowens studio lights and I had success with both types of lighting. 
Also I used my new lens The Laowa 100mm CA Dreamer. What a fantastic lens for x2 macro.
Its another lens which eats light and has no VR so I've been hooking up the R1C1 to it which ill probably do tomorrow when I try it out in the field for more shrooms.
Worth every penny this lens and absolutely no CA anywhere!

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Its about 30 seconds to midnight now ....

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