Saxifrage 'Black Ruby'
This little gem has beautiful glossy dark plum/black leaves for most of the year, now the dainty bright pink flowers are bursting through. I bought this plant last year, it was in memory of Ruby, Carolyn's lovely labrador who was taken poorly, & sadly had to be put to sleep last year while I was looking after her.
Quite by coincidence, Carolyn came over with her charge, her daughters dog, Barney, an 8 month old chocolate cockerpoo, for a walk this morning. We'd not long set off when Jorgiesmum came along in her car, she was off to the moors. C & I had a lovely circular walk finished off with a pitstop at Harvey's for a coffee. A most enjoyable couple of hours.
Back home I made a rich ragu sauce, then left it to cool.
I stitched my infinity scarf, another project completed. I WAS going to go through my stash of broken china & other 'stuff' but the sun was shining.
I checked the weather forecast tomorrow is supposed to be rain on & off all day. The sorting is a rainy day job so I put the walking boots back on and set off. The walk along the river Teign to the weir & beyond is very pretty, the down side is it runs parallel with the A38 dual carriageway, so you can imagine the noise. 3 fire engines & a police car, lights flashing in the layby with a vehicle recovery vehicle with the bonnet up. I saw the flash of a kingfisher as I disturbed it, plus Mallard ducks on the water, & parked up on the bank. Some minute, very pretty mauve/grey fungi growing on the tree trunks on the waters edge, mouse ear, plus a few others that I need to identify. I picked up some litter on my way back. Lots of shredded blue polythene scattered by machinery that would end up in the river. More pollution. The pile that I'd made last time but unable to carry home has been shredded by machinery that's been cutting verges & hacking back trees. Why don't they act sensibly!! GRHHH!
Being out in the fresh air, surrounded by nature is good for the soul.
Back home I layered the ragu sauce with slices of squash topped with bechamel & grated cheese, then baked. Dinner tonight with homegrown green beans and garlic panini.
Thanks to BikerBear/Anni for hosting Flower Friday
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