I HAVE BEEN BOOed!!!!!!?

Last night I was settling back to wait for the Presidential Debate to be telecast.   I had a hot cup of tea, in my relaxing clothes, snuggled up with my girls.  I was ready for whatever was going to happen.......

When there was a loud WRAP on my front door!   What the heck?
I got up , turned on the outdoors light (since I am not expecting any company, I was opening that door till I knew who was out there.....
Nobody was there.   What the Heck?    What was going on?

OK, I opened the door, and sitting right there, on the tile was a smallish, sand pail that had BOO  on it.  In the pail was a sheet of paper, saying I had been booed!    Inside the pail was Halloween candy, and the note saying that it was for me to enjoy, to refill the pail up again, and pass it on to someone else tonight...........
Only.....   don't let myself be seen.  It is totally anonymous.   I also, was to copy the Been Booed sign or make my own, and place it in the window for anyone to know I had been  Booed, already
     This was so much fun.   I laughed and giggled all through the evening.
Today, I refilled the pail, checked out what villa I wanted to Boo, and my escape plan staying anonymous.  It was a hoot zipping around the neighborhood, not being seen and doing my own Trick with a Treat.

What a great idea!!!!!!!!!

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