Cosmos and Anemone
Another foggy morning followed by sun and a dreamy breeze. Sat by an open window to work, but kept popping up to take care of chores and various, and pick flowers (here's a hopefully dreamy looking bouquet in the front window), until I gave up entirely in favor of some fall housecleaning. We're polished up for awhile now.
Had a good visit and piano lesson this evening with Swetha and her cat Buddy. Then watched the new Rebecca movie with W. The reviews were hardly glowing and they didn't disappoint. Still, it was fun, if only to listen to daughter I.'s commentary (I'd predicted the main character would drive her crazy). But what really surprised me was a phrase in the Washington Post review describing the new Mrs. de Winter: "still unnamed after all these years." I can quote the first and last lines of Rebecca the did I never realize the protagonist is never given a name?
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