The Look of the Longhorn

I was at the fence-line, made a puckering sound with my lips, and the cow looked up. But, look at that look. As if to ask..."I looked up for this? You know how many people stop to take my picture? Hit the road Jack."

I was not about to be dissed like that, did he know my middle name? "If I was 35 again, I'd come ride a little bareback. AND I WOULD STAY ON FOR 8 SECONDS!"

My old inner self took old 35 year old inner self.

I jumped the fence, camera and all, and rushed the bull. I startled him for a split second, but then he turned on me.

My last thoughts were...

"What am I about to do?"...
when the giant cow let out a moo.
He put his horn right up my wazoo,
and I landed in a pie of poo.

Am I feeling a bit of Friday forlorn,
for taking in the bum the massive horn?
It was quite a sensation to be airborne,
and, oh, by the way, my shorts are torn.

You can take this one of two ways.
1. Tim told it. It must be true.
2. The picture is bull, and so is the story.

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