
By Bizonderimage

Loughrigg Tarn

Out early again today, this time to Loughrigg Tarn, just up the road from Grasmere.

This is a magical place in the early morning at this time of year. Located in a small dip between the hills it seems to hold a layer of mist through which the day slowly emerges.

It was here almost two years ago on a short course led by Joe Cornish, that i started to learn how to see the image I was trying to record. Joe taught me two key elements of my current technique, firstly look around and wait to get a feel for the place before deciding what to photograph, and secondly to take less photographs but consider more about composition and the end result before pressing the shutter button.

I still hear a lot of people saying they take hundreds of photos in the hope one will turn out OK. Its more satisfying to learn a little bit more about your camera and try and get the shot you really want each time.

It was beautifully peaceful and calm, with just the jet trails in the sky and reflected in the lake to remind me of the busy modern world outside.

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