Literally Letesia

Nate's loving using the word 'literally' at the moment, also 'certainly'. It's very entertaining.
Thankfully woke up 12 hours later headache-free (I backblipped for yesterday). Asha and I headed to the flea market and found a couple of bargains - a silk kimono for me for 5€ - I've always wanted one (as Bulliblips will confirm) and a beautiful pinky gemstone for Asha. 
Letesia came over this afternoon which was lovely. We walked along the Port and stopped for a drink on the wander back. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny fixing a car problem - jammed lock which meant the door wouldn't catch.
2) The flea market with Asha - a feast for all the senses.
3) Letesia - such an inspiring woman. 

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