things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic

Sunny Day!

What a lovely day it's been to be outside. I set off around 7am with the promise of gorgeous weather. In reality, a big grey cloud covered up the sun during my early morning walk. It came out just as I got back to my car :) 

There's a growing fieldfare flock around the res - 100+ yesterday and probably between 2 and 300 today - main blip. While I was watching them, a great spotted woodpecker landed on a post nearby which was good. It's not a great pic but the post looks as though it has eyes! (extra)

It was so lovely that I decided to go for another walk and quite by chance, met a couple of friends at the parking layby. They were going the same way and it was lovely to chat even if we were on opposite sides of the road and keeping a good distance. 

I then went out for a 3rd walk this aft as it was still glorious weather. Hope you all had sunshine too.

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