
By jeffpaps

Boats on a wall.

We bought this wall hanging on a trip to Port Isaac in Cornwall over a year ago. This week I finally put it up on our conservatory wall. I like the thought of sailing boats bobbing along and transposed into our conservatory. If one cant live by the sea then a few reminders of sea and sun help as the days start to close in.
A day of screen watching today. Watching church on line followed by the Portuguese Grand Prix from the Algarve. What a great milestone for Lewis Hamilton 92 GP wins eclipsing Michael Schumachers previous total of 91. Then on to the second half of Evertons game with Southampton . Not such a good outcome there losing 2-0;for our first defeat of the season. Still top of the league though.
Grateful today for a thought provoking and inspiring talk at church. For the book I am reading which touched my heart and for the historic GP win for Lewis.

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