
By TBay

Hot Rocks.

Today Miss Whiplash visited and brought with her her hot stones to apply to my back. Not totally convinced they improved matters but always worth a try.

Glad to report that the COVID test the Tbay Jnrs had to have last week proved negative, but not after a bit of a fiasco!  

The original tests were sanctioned by their Doctor before they could take Harry to the Doctor as he had a chest infection. Off they went and were duly tested. 24 to 48 hours before results they were told, but after 4 days frustration began to set in. 

After 6 days Harry was fine but of course they had been self isolating from the time of the test! No school for the children and no going anywhere! On the seventh day they were told get to retested as they had lost the original ones! Off they went again for another test which again too three days to get a result which was thankfully negative!! 


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