A Day In The Life

By Irish59

High Alert

In between rain showers this morning I stepped out to top off bird feeders, then grabbed my camera for a walk-about. All was quiet around the lilac trees so on to the cherry tree where I was perfectly positioned to catch a squirrel, a chipmunk or a bird doing something of interest, to blip • Suddenly, Newt charged around the corner of the house and flew to the top of a small wooden platform that rises a couple of feet from the ground. We’ve decided for the moment to leave it where it is for exactly this reason. A perch Her Highness adores but gives visibility of her presence to nearby wildlife residents • Before long we were joined by our young deer friend happily trotting up the driveway, that is, until she saw Newt. Stopped in her tracks, she stared. It was fascinating to witness their exchange. Was this dark furry creature with a tail a friend or foe? Even when she dared step side to side her eyes remained on Newt. Because of this, she never even noticed me! Meanwhile, Newt never flinched, completely unfazed by the ordeal: been there, done that • What a wonderful experience for me, however, where was Mom, and how will this innocent animal survive the monthlong hunting season that’s less than a week away? • My heart is breaking... (Added: something has happened to my photo. Anyone seen this before?)

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