Housewife's Choice

By christilou

Today ......

fun and frolic.  A girls walk this morning in glorious sunshine.  All three daughters and the granddaughter plus Little B of course.  No sooner had we got to the woods when he heard the dreaded gunfire from the army and Little B was headed out of the woods.  Little Ro and Alex carried him for a while and after about 10 minutes (and some treats) he decided to continue with us thankfully as he really is too heavy to carry very far at 8kg!  When we got home Lucy was keen to get the dogs out and most of the play fell to Aunty Alex.  It's meant to be half term for the teacher but she was happy to be playing with Looby Lou :). 

Little B has gone back home with Ro.  Will probably pick him up tomorrow afternoon and bring him "home" for a few days.  Seems very odd without him.

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