
By Babrecila

Long Lost Family

I had a surprise video call from my family in Canada  Long lost due to my aunt evacuating to Canada during WW2 and our family ending up in Cambridge. . With both families moving my dad and his sister lost contact. This photo was taken  August 2018, when our relatives visited us for the first time. In the photo L to R is myself, Canadian cousin's daughter Madeleine ( same name as my eldest ! )  then my brother's wife . Next is Canadian cousin's daughter Robin...( same name as my Madeleine's husband.  My cousin Alexandra , in front, wearing jeans, same name as my niece !, then at the back John, Robin's husband and Eric  from Philadelphia, here for a weekend visit to meet his unknown family., plus 2 young members of my family. Although Alex and I are in our eighties, the younger generations are keeping in touch.  Strangely it was Alex's daughter Robin's very curly hair that got us together as she had a DNA test to find out her ancestry, which was Irish and Italian. My niece was doing our family tree and the families were put in touch. Eric was actually adopted  and also had a DNA test and found family.  They had all planned a visit this year but due to this awful pandemic, had to cancel' 

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