The Gumnut Fairy.....

...... washing up!

Alexandra's trip to Sydney for her company's conference was cancelled this year.  Because of Coronavirus.

So, today they had a Zoom conference instead.  She locked herself away in the study, whilst I entertained the girls.

We eventually went to dancing.  Then to the park.  Then the supermarket.  Just trying to keep them out of the house as long as possible.

In the park a group of Mums were having a Halloween party for their children.  They all had costumes on.  And were given little pumpkin baskets, when the Mums threw bags of sweets for them.

I don't think many people will be out on Saturday night.

Luckily the rain kept off whilst we were out.

But a storm came through this afternoon, and it's still raining.  Dark and quite cool.

In the extras:

The Gumnut Fairy and the bigger Gumnut Fairy.

And for some reason, the girls decided to build a dog kennel!  This involved all they could find to seal off part of the garden.  Then Mia and I had to be dogs and go and hide.  Mia bounced along, more like a kangaroo.  And we hid behind the water heater.

Well, they enjoyed it.

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