Queer Mystery of Lost Bicycles

Another good day.
In the morning I went to the Priaulx Library to research ‘The day of my birth’. As I thought it was an incredibly boring no news day. To add insult to injury the Guernsey Evening Press for the day after and indeed the whole week after was missing from the microfilm. Apparently they don’t have a complete set. They did let me look at the (needing reminding) copied of the Star for that week but the best I came up with was this headline “Queer Mystery of Lost Bicycles”. Apparently bicycles found here and there around the island have not been claimed and are now in the custody of the Police causing the Police Station staff some embarrassment by cluttering up the place. 
But I do like how this highlights the changing meaning of words and this is not a headline you’d see today...
In the evening we did the Escape Room at Elizabeth College. We ran over time a little but were able to escape eventually. I’ve been in EC several times but it’s always a privilege to visit this amazing building designed by John Wilson.

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