Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Here it is... my hastily composed wreath. I thought I'd have time to make it at home, but my cousin asked to meet up earlier, before lunch. Better, I thought, but that ment I had an hour to gett ready, get the materials I wanted and go. I had time to collect my branches, from scrub, and a quick walk into the forest for blueberry sprigs. I formed the wreath and entwined the scrub when I was walking to pick sprigs. 
We walked through the forest on a path, maintaining a distance, to get to the cemetery. It's situated very beautifully on the rim of the forest, and even stretches into the forest. I found the red berries on the way. I wanted rose hips, but I found these instead. My cousin told me his grandmother had such in her garden. I found that very fitting for the wreath. When we arrived, I put the blueberry sprigs in-between the scrub and then the branch with berries. I wish I had more time, but...I call this 'an artsy wreath'. I don't think my aunt minds.
We taked a lot about politics when we walked. He has really good thoughts about politics, and he isn't as emotion driven as I am, but we do have the same view. It's always very interesting to discuss things with him. He's also a good listener and gives good advice. His sister is the same. I'm so fortunate to have such lovely cousins! 
Now I'm beat and my feet are complaining wildly. Couch for a bit longer and then I need to clean my hallway! 

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