
Today's the day …………………… to be 87.3% waxing gibbous

After the most horrendous weather for most of the day, the sky cleared late afternoon - just in time to highlight the moon as it set off across the night sky.

We're in the phase at the moment, when the moon is 'Waxing Gibbous'.  Waxing  means that it is getting bigger and Gibbous refers to the shape which is less than a full circle but more than half.  It will get bigger and rounder until we can see it all - and then it will be a Full Moon. 

This is due to happen on the 31st October - which presumably will make all those Halloweeners  very happy because it's actually quite a rare occurrence.  The entire 21st century will see only six Halloween Full Moons - namely in 2001, 2020, 2039, 2058, 2077, and 2096....……………….


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