Trophy .....
..... well I did say!
15 minutes of fame hey? T.T. Curling champ!
I've been really busy today , found a loaf of bread in the freezer so didn't have to shop today. Made some meals for the freezer instead. Did a swop of summer to winter wardrobe and general tidy up. Phone calls and arranging the new Monday evening zoom meeting , since lockdown we've been doing our private readings and e- mailing thoughts to the group. Now more people can get zoom so hopefully next week , with yours truly leading it will work.
This afternoon has been taken up with me reporting on Ephesians chapter 1 reflections . Next weeks thought on chapter 2 . Time consuming but a worth while project.
It's rained most of the day here, do hope it's ok tomorrow as the window cleaner is coming, weather permitting.
Enjoy your evening and stay safe
Grateful ..... for my day.
Would like to share this --
Smile by Spike Milligan
Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu'.
When someone smiled at me today,I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner & someone saw my grin.
When I realised I'd passed it on to him.
I thought about the smile, then realised its worth.
A single smile just like mine, could travel round the earth.
So if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected .
Let's start an epidemic quick , and get the world infected.
Much better than this awful Pandemic hey??
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