Farewell old friend..

(The tree... not the guy!)

Our Eucalyptus has seen its best days out. It has rotted in the middle and has become rather unruly on the parts that are growing. (also affecting next doors satellite!)

Years ago we thought it was a gonner because the root ball was moving in the wind, but it hung on, then it seemed to have some sort of disease so we thought it was a gonner again!! But it's been a fighter and just seemed to sprout in other directions!

Meanwhile Mr J trimmed it to try and keep it under control but it grew more unrully by the year and the main trunk more rotten!

So the time has come... to say farewell...

The boys were sad to see it go as it had a tree swing on it that they rarely used!! and some chimes that we had hung from it when we had to say goodbye to our gorgeous retrievers as a memory for each of them.
The strings that they hung from had well and truly grown into the branches they were attached to... but we managed to remove them and we shall put them on an other tree in the garden.

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