Lazy day

3years 119days

An early start from miss Katie, as they have been the past couple of days. She played really nicely for a couple of hours though, letting me snooze. We got up and ready and headed out to go for a swim together- she's achieving and progressing much more in the time that we spend swimming together than in her pretty shocking swimming lessons. We had to wait quite a while to get in the pool due to numbers, which she handled with varying degrees of grace and tolerance as the time progressed. However once in it was all forgotten. She started the time by jumping in and swimming half the pool width all by herself, then swimming under all the hoops she could find, doing some really good star floats and chasing the dive sticks under water. Lots of ball play, avoidance of woggles, a great deal of splashing and chasing. She was a happy Katie. Her high spot was when I took her to the deep end (of the learner pool) where she jumped in and then swam half the length of the pool without stopping or coming up. She looked extremely proud.

We got a snack after swimming before stopping to buy a picnic lunch. She then spotted the "babyccino shop". We bought the rabbits some special food they like, and she asked where in the shop the food for monkey was. A couple more bits of shopping- and a couple of mini milk lollies- later, we headed home with plans of scooting outside, garden play and crafts. Instead, she fell asleep on the bike at 130. At 4, when I'd spent 90minutes trying to wake her from her snuggle on the sofa, I gave up and put her on her bed. It's now nearly 7. She hasn't woken up. I suspect this will come back to haunt me!

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