A Bird in the hand is worth two in a bush

After Pilates (online) and a few chores thoughts turned to where we would walk. Half term is always busy and avoiding muddy paths a challenge. We decided to park in Levisham and then walk a small valley (known locally as a griff) we discovered years ago and where we have yet to meet anyone.

It turned out a great choice. We met this young man and his young Peregrine Falcon that he had bred. Today in rather breezy conditions it had just completed its first training flight. We then encountered a rather feisty young ram who was being quite territorial. There were lots of walkers doing a circuit from the Hole of Horcum. Fortunately our route cut off this path and we followed two small valleys populated with Oak an Birch trees rarely seen on the open heather moorland. A really enjoyable walk and back before a heavy shower of rain. Now back home with a welcome cup of tea.

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