Beneath Biscay

By Douglian

Mars 'n' Moon

The bigger waves we've had over the last few days seem to have carried off quite a bit of sand from the beach. As a result the incoming waves race a lot further up the beach, even between tides.

There's an orange warning for waves at the moment. Unfortunately it seems that whenever there are good waves and photo opportunities in prospect, the tide times are unfavourable. Even if there weren't a curfew at the moment I couldn't see myself getting up for the next high tide at 3:55 am.

Update: Forgot to mention that daughter C's follow-up PCR test for Covid-19, following an earlier positive test, came back negative. Not sure what the earlier test was but probably antigen, because I don't think it involved the blood sample that the antibody test requires.

I understood that antigen tests can give false negatives rather than false positives. Perhaps the antigen test showed that she has had Covid but the PCR test shows that she no longer has it. Hmmm.

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