Blood out a stone!

Decided to do the antibody test being as I teach and am curious about things. Well as someone who takes a blood thinning pill, either the bloody blood pill works too well or I'm a blood less creature.
As for the bloody blood instructions! Who writes this? Certainly no bugger that ever tried following the bloody instructions ( and I mean that literally) . Have you ever tried putting blood into a tube the size of a kirby grip!
Gently massage your finger to help bloody blood out. Well that's a joke! Blood eventually everywhere but in the bloody tube and you had to fill it up!
As for the prick (and I don't mean Donald) I had to use two of the three they sent. I'm standing there cursing trying to squeeze even a trace amount out when himself comes over and starts rubbing my back. "I'm not fecking giving birth here so leave me alone!" Donald rapidly retreats, dogs run for cover and the guinea pig starts chewing the bars of his cage. Come to think of it, I would have been better if I presented my finger to Spud in the first place!
Anyway the damn thing is in the post and good riddance to it!

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