Heading into sunset

We blew down that Forth so we did, McC the elder and me. Right around the back of Inchkeith and when we came out the top end it was even windier. As we were well reefed down it was reasonably comfortable but of course we didn’t point quite as high as we would like, and we were against the tide. In retrospect, it wasn’t a great sail plan, and it wasn’t helped by dropping the one and only winch handle in the drook. I’d been meaning to get a backup. Back with the navigation lights on. At least they work.
And then a WBRA meeting which was quite enjoyable - we’ve an AGM to plan, but I avoided nearly all the actions. The big news was that DJ is printing 100 tea-towels with our houses on the design. Very wow indeed.
And then another virtual meet-up in the pub. I expect that under the new regulations we move to on Monday they'll be allowed, but with no alcohol. And stopping at 11pm.   

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