
By hannahstar

Reading Youth Weekend - Swinging


This was a really good day. We got up bright and early and had a meeting/bible studies in the morning. Some of the leaders did a really good skit as well.
After lunch we went to Finchampstead Community Centre, as they have a sports hall there. However, most of the girls didn't do sport, we went to the play park next door! It was SO much fun! Here are a few of us on a bucket swing.
When we got back we just 'chilled' for a while and Anna turned up which was really nice. :) Then it was tea time.
After tea we had the evening meeting. It was really good and Johnny was very engaging and funny. He's a very good speaker.
After the meeting there was quite a long time of hanging around, chatting, playing games etc. Grace and I went kind of hyper, not sure why, but it was quite funny... :D

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