Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

You may well ask...

...where did you get that hat...
A special Silly Saturday to model the hats J4net knitted for us recently - the hats aren't silly, you understand, just the way we wear them ( see extra )!
We had a great chat as always - although Dolly never manages to get a word in edgeways - and it only took Pat 10 minutes to sort her camera out ;) 
The magazine landed through our letterbox this morning - I think the only way our ski gear will get used this season is if we wear it when we get together outdoors in the bleak mid-winter...
We're going to settle down at 5pm to watch the briefing about BoJo's latest plan - a G&T might just about see us through it...

CORONA CLASSICSClarence Cameron White -- "Levee Dance" from Dolly.

Another for Black History Month.  Clarence Cameron White (1880 – 1960) was an American composer and concert violinist. Dramatic works by the composer were his best-known, such as the incidental music for the play Tambour and the opera Ouanga. During the first decades of the twentieth century, White was considered the foremost black violinist.

White had active career as a performer, teacher, and composer. From 1903-1907 he served as the head of the string department of the Washington Conservatory of Music. As a concert violinist he received critical praise and toured the United States with his wife, pianist Beatrice Warrick White.  A founding member of the National Association of Negro Musicians White served as the organization's president from 1922 to 1924.
And one for Hallowe’en from me - Thomas Newman - Ghosts

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