storm aiden

Knowing that it was going to rain last night, D decided to create one of his "dwell mark" artworks. This means that the work gets prepared indoors, and then "dwells" outside to see what the elements contribute to its creation.

He stuck wet paper to a perspex board using gum tape, and arranged some small granite stones on top. Then he sprinkled powdered charcoal and turmeric on top and left it outside the back door.

The artwork had to be rescued at lunchtime today as it was being blown away!. The gum tape was peeling off and the stones had been tipped off the paper. But it made for a great artwork. Storm Aiden had even added a couple of leaves :-)

When we went outside at the height of the storm, the wind was roaring in the trees. Its a horrible noise, because I always worry about the trees. We went out for a walk this afternoon and all seems ok. A few boughs down on the road will no doubt soon be fuel for somebody's woodburner. The waterfall was full and very noisy!

The wind has dropped now and I wonder if we will catch glimpse of tonight's Blue Moon...

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