
By strawhouse

Throwing Leaves

Despite the horrific forecast Miss L and I went to meet Mrs L and Mr T at Stowe this morning. We don't let a bit of weather put us off!
Well I don't! Miss L was a bit of a whingebag asking if we had to go. 
Yes we do! 
Apparently Mr T wasn't too keen on going out in it either.
Ha ha ha, what mean Mummies they've got!!
The rain was pretty unrelenting - until we left! - but drizzly rather than torrential so we just ignored it.
Miss L and Mr T had a great time throwing leaves at each other, climbing trees, climbing walls, rolling in the mud, hiding in their tree den, moaning about wearing coats and chasing squirrels.
They've not seen each other since they went back to school and it was lovely to see them together. 
Despite not wanting to go out in the first place they were having such a fun time they didn't want to leave! I was reminded of when the Little Misses were little and they didn't want to get in the bath and then didn't want to get out!
We bribed them with the cafe and headed back up. Obviously they had ice creams - because why wouldn't you on a wet miserable October day?!  Tea for me - because I'm a normal person!
I snuggled up under a blanket when we got back and watched a few episodes of Bake Off Extra Slice. 
And tried not to think about Miss L's practise 11+ tomorrow.

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