Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Don’t look now ...

We skirted the edge of some local woods this morning and I stopped to photograph the autumn leaves. When I downloaded the image I was shocked to find a mysterious and ghostly red caped figure that hadn’t been in the shot, which spooked me until I remembered it was Halloween. That kind of stuff always happens on the 31st October.

Okay, the scene is real. The little red riding hood may have been a bit of spooky photoshopping...

After that we did a bit of buying of essentials - chocolate and earrings - then got soaked to the skin walking home.

Halloween cannot of course live up to the nightmare of Covid and with appropriately poignant timing BJ chose today to announce another month long national lockdown. Starting next Thursday which I find bizarre. Why give the virus a five day head start? 

This long year just got longer.

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