
By loisbiz

Trick or Treat?

Ellie came to the door but she didn't care about Trick or Treat; she just wanted to hug me and Grandpa Bob. I was surprised that she didn't wear her princess dress for Halloween, it was so cute on her; she wanted to wear this little dress with the black cats and her Mickey Mouse Ears......the style choices of a newly 3 year old are interesting.  :-))

I had a busy day ....one I didn't plan out well.....I left right after lunch to go across town to pick up a double bed for Ellie.....it was at my ex-son-in-laws house.....my grandson was the only one there.....we talked and talked......I helped him fill out his ballot.....I explained the issues......and what he needed to do....he made each decision and I didn't look...... then we loaded the bed and I took it over to Ellie's house and helped set it up for her......I didn't get back here in time for Ellie to take part in the Halloween Parade in the neighborhood. My neighbor Tracy had invited Ellie and she brought a bag of stuff for her from the celebration. Hopefully next year Halloween won't be so complicated.
This year Halloween was supposed to be perfect: Saturday, A Full Moon, Change of time to get an extra hour, and the weather was perfect......but then Covid messed it all up.

Remember to stay safe and be nice.

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