Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Kid at christmas

I finally managed to run 5k after starting out 10 weeks ago trying to run for 60 seconds. I had a huge grin the last wee bit, or maybe it was a grimace, but who cares, i Forest Gumped it (well, not that fast, being a bit of a shortarse and having a lot of booty to haul) up hill and down aided and abetted by the chemical brothers in my ears. I came home and bored the pants off my family telling them my news through the only medium befitting this triumph...the power of song....which was incredibly annoying for them because it was sunday morning and they were sleeping...hahaha. Let's be honest, we all know that running bores are truly the smuggest of smug gits, but i'm giving myself this post, yes indeedy, i'm taking the smug to the bank...just for today.

Once i got the singing and prancing about like a smug git out of my system, Tess and I masked up and ventured into a deserted ghost town to pick up a few things. I dementedly sanitised my hands every minute, part covid neurotic, part worrying about folks jobs. We bumped into one of my aunties, hadn't seen her for so long, months, maybe a few years, and it felt rude not to be able to offer a hug, but we've all just got to stick to the rules to keep everyone safe.

A big thankyou to Tracey and Val for lots and lots and lots of reasons.

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