All Souls Day - Remembering Ancestors

Dear Diary,

Most people have at least one family photo of someone they can't identify.  This is one of mine.  It is an old Daguerreotype of a young couple, probably newlyweds.  I've always thought the woman looked so young but then women married young then.  I got this with some things I inherited from my grandfather.  I don't know their relationship to my family but they've always intrigued me.  The extra is the second Daguerreotype I have.  Does he look like an older version of the young man?  Both seem to have pale blue eyes.  Maybe he is the young man's father.  We'll never know but these "souls" lived their lives at least 150 years ago.  Daguerreotypes went out of fashion in the 1850's replaced by the less expensive method, the Ambrotype.  All Soul's Day is a time to remember ancestors, the countless, and often nameless, people on whose shoulders we stand.

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