Crystal Ball

A wild and woolly day, we made a quick dash between downpours and were swept found the circuit, the only circular thing spotted! A helpful mirror place outside Graham's entrance.
A good day - two parcels in the post today. The first was a book on Irish Pilgrimage by the wonderfully named Daphne Desiree Pochin Mould!  She was quite extraordinary - a photographer, geologist, archaeologist and pilot! One of those no nonsense women who just got on with it, and she was big into wells. The other was from the wonderfully named Ceridwen - a book abut the women murdered by Jack the Ripper, focusing on their own stories. Ceridwen is pretty extraordinary too - explorer, inquirer, photographer, forager, blipper. I'm looking forward to getting stuck into both.
Did anyone tune into my brother last night? He was brilliant! I suspect the regular listeners of Radio Alty didn't know what hit them! Mellow, erudite, thoughtful and a broad variety of music. How hilarious though, one of the pieces he chose was the Master and Commander one I've been banging on about! The show is repeated again on thursday - I recommend it.

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