
This is the digital radio in the studio - it keeps me company when I'm sewing or otherwise crafting.  But it is elderly, and seems to have developed a fault.  When on DAB, it is stuck on "Absolute Radio", which is blaring some rowdy pop music.  Those who know me personally will know that this is anathema - my preference is classical music.  For easy listening whilst working, I usually opt for Classic FM.

A few months ago, when this first happened, W managed to change the mode, so that we could tune it to Classic FM on the FM radio, rather than DAB, but after a power cut last night, it has reverted to this one channel on DAB, and we can't find FM radio at all.  So I pressed the off button, and worked in silence, finishing off a pair of trousers I have been making.

And I've ordered a new radio.

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