My Milk Shakes Bring all the Boys
Today was Boob Squish day.
I have had several of these; starting way back when I had a hysterectomy (exceptionally early). I think maybe early hysterectomy prompts the start of regular screening rather than age.
Any how off I toddled; sanitised myself. Stripped off the top half and stood with Bonnie who was my ‘mammogram buddy’ for today.
Stand here.
Legs apart.
This arm Up.
This arm down.
Lean in.
Bum Out .
That breast over there please.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
And then the squishhhhh
Hold it there. Hold it. Hold it
Your boobs are squished horizontally flat both sides.
Then your boobs are squished vertically flat.
It’s hard to believe that all of this could be squished to under an inch. But yes they were.
The land mass size was immense.
It’s not sore; just uncomfortable.
It’s not embarrassing; just uncomfortable.
It’s not scary; just uncomfortable.
But bloody hell my boobs are aching now.
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