The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

At One With Nature

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

After my day of complete inactivity yesterday, I had a flurry of productivity.

I spent a happy afternoon pottering in the kitchen which isn’t somewhere I have wanted to be lately due to complete cooking fatigue. Sometimes finding common ground for a vegan, a dedicated carnivore (and hater of most vegetables), a pescatarian and a tomato hater can be ‘challenging.’ And by challenging, I mean it gets right on my thrupnies. I’m not even sure Anneka would have signed up to this challenge!

But Kitty Cat gave me some of her home grown beetroot and The Browns had dropped in apples from their tree so I made beetroot, carrot & ginger soup and an apple cake. I also stewed another kilo of apples to freeze and use some other time.

So I was feeling very wholesome and thinking that it was all very ‘The Good Life’ until I remembered that the only things I have successfully grown are weeds. Not sure we will be self-sufficient unless everyone starts loving dandelion soup!


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