Darkening skies

Despite an early night I didn't get to sleep for ages as I had a sore back and couldn't get comfortable. Couldn't decide whether to give up trying and get up to do the prep for today or keep trying to get to sleep and wake up early. 
As is often the case the mountain didn't seem so huge when I woke up, and I was soon stuck into it. Several big meetings and lots to do and discuss - broken up by some of V's delicious lentil soup and home baking.
Once we got to about 4.30pm V and I were catching up when I noticed the sky outside....very dramatic (not sure the photo does it justice mind you). I realised it would be the only option for a blip today so grabbed it.
Supper whilst I chatted to A on her drive home and we talked about work and the weekend and communication (or lack of) - love these conversations we have, and after thinking about my relationship with my mother yesterday because of the recipe book, am constantly grateful A and I have such a different relationship.
Book group - lovely to see everyone and we all enjoyed the book, then watched The Children Act film (another book we'd enjoyed some time ago).

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