Northern Star

By Lifferz


Nice gentle yoga session tonight until we were told that this months non-yoga exercise challenge is some kind of firework explosion thing (you start as a small, wrapped up ball, kind of folded in on your standing leg and knee. You then have to explode) you have to do repeatedly whilst standing on one leg. My leg was pretty tired afterwards. Hopefully by balance will improve.

This image was something I took whilst clearing out emails. I had 11,600 emails just hanging around in my inbox since 2016. I’ve now got that down to about 6000 and I’ve been unsubscribing from people and companies as I go. It feels much better.

MrH got a call from the docs to say they want to monitor him so that’s not good news but it’s not bad news. Looks like more blood tests.

My local leisure centre is having to close again because of lockdown, no big surprise there. Just waiting to hear the news on Westonbirt - will I still be able to walk there?! They were half closed and half open during the first lockdown so who knows!

Got to just before 11pm and realised I’ve forgotten to have a bath. As I’m meeting a new work colleague tomorrow I thought I better be looking and smelling my most cleansed so I’m writing this from the comfort of an olive oil bubble bath (yes there is such a thing!)it has mandarin juice in it and looks delightfully Halloweeny.

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