The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Water Horse

Ok,ok, canal horse to be precise.

Stopped off at the Union canal, on the way to the Parent's house tonight. I was just there going to blip, but a terrible racket awoke me from my blipsphere. A car stopped abruptly at the entrance to the carpark and a near hysterical woman emerged. The "new" car they had just bought, seemed to be falling to bits. The wheels were all loose and the fact one was sitting at a nasty angle, would have made me a tad upset too. Looking at the spray painted rust bubbles, you would have thought they may have noticed it wasn't exactly a wise buy. After trying to help them, with a wheel nut spanner, that didn't fit and much tutting, a passing van driver managed to tighten up and straighten it all out, allowing me to escape past it.

(That's why I was late Dad.)

No.1 in the book of Pheonix excuses.

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