
By scotguide

Just one look!

A chilly damp start to the day, however the sun broke the clouds mid morning, a fine morning to hang washing on the whirligig! Light cool breeze!
Snow on the Crieff hills & photos on social media of snow on the mountains further north .......first this autumn/winter !

The lupins I ordered in July arrived, the handyman who helps me occasionally, helped today to clear and weed the garden and plant the said lupins, all 20 tiny wee plugs, fingers crossed they’ll be a future blip!
Dog sitting Gorgeous Louis afternoon & evening, he’s such fun! We’ve had a few walks, he even joined in my exercise class, commandeered one of the hand weights I use, and was helping me by sitting on my tummy when doing floor exercises! Hilarious :)

Louis isn’t impressed when I was taking his photo as the look says all!

A good day!

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