Shack rattle & roll

I met up with Sara first thing. So so good to walk and pray together. We sat beneath one of the watch towers that overlooks Ibiza Town and prayed. We popped to her Mum's for a coffee before heading back to town. 
This afternoon I had my next session with Abby talking about silence and solitude as a discipline. A great and stimulating couple of hours. From there we all headed to Caña Club. I found it a touch stressful as there were too many of us and the police are often around that area. We'd got 2 tables but it kind fo just looked like 1 big one really. Our police here are veeerrrry fast to hand out the fines!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Mom sending Nate a parcel full of toilet training goodies like star charts etc.
2) Wound healing gel - I sliced my index finger open opening up the aforementioned parcel.
3) Praying with Sara - so much fun!

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