the blink of an eye

By weedave

how to ease a troubled soul

well what can I say except the truth

I as you have probably realised have quite a hectic life and of recent it has started to take it's toll, I have been listless and lacking in enthusiasim ( yes even to Blip !!!) I have found the weather ( cold and wet --dreich) very demoralising which is NOT like me decided to give myself a preverbial kick up the arse... so on Friday night at 11pm I had no picture and decided to go to a local sculpture ( (can be seen from the A80 between achenkilns and oldmill services) I was slightly unsure of the way but finally found out it was through a nearby cemetry

now I can tell you that walking through a cemetry at 11.30pm in a little unnerving especially when some graves have little solar lamps on them ( gives the place n eeery glow )... but finally got to where I needed to be and had a great view of the sculpure all lit up .... tripod out and set out and set up..... take pic... NO MEMORY CARD !!!!!!!!! ....DOH!!!.... after a frenzied look in my bag .... no back up memory card either... needless to say I was not a happy bunny!!!!

I had to work on saturday aand had folk coming more or less as soon as I got home so. no picture again !!!!

woke up yesterday to fantastic sunny weather what a joy.... took the opportunity to go clear a friends garden and cut some logs ... then decided to go get a picture

went up the Carron damn , the sun was setting and the sky was a blaze with colour, I took a few showing the overflow running then went to the top opf the damn itself, ahhhhhhhh peace decended as I gazed up the damn , changed my lens and happily snapped away.... all was good in the world again

woke up this morning ( after a restless night as Ewan was not well ) and decided to down load pics from camera

imagin my dismay when it became apparent that there was a blemish on nearly all my shots ..I had not noticed a water mark on my lens ..doh!!!! ...ah well we live and learn our A B C's

Always make sure you have ALL equipment
Beautiful shots can only be taken with a CLEAN lens

oh and Dave is a Doughnut some times !!!!

enjoy !!!

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