Variation on a Theme

Another bright morning, another form of Crocus laevigatus catching the eye in the sand bed.   

A good joint meeting with proffessionals involved in Jamie's care this morning.  Arrangements for his transition to adult services include funding for Tim to carry on working with him :-)    The way that the different services work together is a refreshing change from what we experienced where we used to live.   We are also aware that we are very lucky to have an outstanding GP in Tywyn, someone who has quickly developed a very good relationship with Jamie and has considerable relevant experience and a lovely manner.    

In contrast Ruth is having a difficult time in Birmingham where the service seems wired in to fail her.  I have been called on to phone the relevant people and shake things up ..... but when you can't get a direct line to them and they don't call back as suggested ..... a formal complaint and potentially involvement to the local MP is looming large.

Meetings, phone calls, messages and emails seemed to fill my day so it was excellent light relief to go out with Jamie before sunset and throw balls for a zoomy dog :-)

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