
Well, that didn't quite work out as well as we all hoped. Forrest and I stayed up until 2.30 am to see Florida stay red, at which point it was obvious that it was going to get messy, with no clear result likely for days - although I was fairly confident that Biden would eventually prevail. The biggest disappointment was knowing that there was going to be no breakthrough moment for real change. That was really upsetting. Whatever the result now, healing is going to be difficult and take a long time.

I woke up well before the alarm this morning and turned on the television. Trump was speaking live. I had tuned in at near to the beginning of Trump's 'victory' speech. Wow. I was shaking as I listened. It's right up there as one of the biggest WTF moments of my entire life. As I tried to make sense of what he was saying (never easy), it slowly dawned on me as to what was really going on and that it was more about preparing the ground for his bad loser's endgame. What a shit show. 

A walk in the woods on a sunny day helped to clear my head ... a little.

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