A time for everything

By turnx3

Returning home

A long day traveling today - leaving my sister's at 7.30 am, and finally arriving home about 11 pm our time - 4 am UK time! Our trans-Atlantic flight was on a jumbo - I haven't flown on one of those for years - Roger flew on one going to and from Singapore on a business trip a few years back. Flying into Manchester like we usually do, it's usually a smaller plane. This was taken flying over the north-eastern U.S., where the remnants of last weeks big winter storm were still in evidence. We had a generous layover in JFK, which was just as well as it took forever to go through immigration. We had time to get something to eat, then settled down to wait! Once home, I fell straight into bed - always good to get back to your own bed!

One year ago: Happy Valentine's Day

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