
He has had some kind of a stroke, I guess. Dementia ward nurse called today and asked if we like to visit, it could be last time to see him alive. No one knows how will this situation continue.

So I picked up his wife and we went visiting together. Dad seemed to be sleeping, heavy breathing and also long periods breathless. Her wife would like him to open his eyes and chat to her. No reaction. She asked me to chat too.

So I told him greetings from my children and husband. And that we have learned a lot from him. And we are OK and will manage, if it is time for my father to leave us.

I told that I am sure that his parents are waiting there in their cottage. Sun is shining and they enjoy their time.

We sat there and kept our hands in his and chatted to each other and to him. And when we were beginning to leave (because of corona, there was only half an hour time to visit) I bend over for him, for a short hug (forbidden due the corona regulations, but who cares in this situation). Anyway I told him that I loved him and if he likes to leave to heaven, we all be fine and manage. And everything is ok for him to leave.
He suddenly moved his right hand to my back. As if he would have hugged me, or was a reaction?! Or a reflex?! Was he sleeping or not, hearing and even understanding my words?? His wife, nurse and I were very surprised.

I have been feeling empty since I got back home.
Maybe I transferred some energy to my dad. I am sure that he uses it wisely.


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