Windmill 'De Leest', Lieshout

The second windmill in Lieshout.  So now I have got them both.  And the weather today was even better than it was the first time I went there.

'De Leest' is the family name of the previous owner of this windmill, so it was named after them.
'De Leest' sounds like 'The Lace' but in the past tense = 'The Laced'.
AW and I looked up what a 'leest' is, and there are at least 15 possible definitions, so never mind.

The wind was strong and the windmill was in operation when I got there, so I took a handful of minute-long videos, two of which I've posted on FB.  The best thing was that the sun was really out, so there was no need for heavy post-processing.  I wish it was always like this.  After Lieshout, explored the area a bit and ended up on the north side of Eindhoven, with the A50 not that much further away.

As planned, almost finished with my Allergies MOOC, so now I can focus again on the Mindfulness course, which is six weeks long.  The theory isn't difficult.  The course wants us to really know about it -- misperceptions, history, variations, influences, and even the commercial angle, plus what the requirements would be if anyone was interested in teaching it as well.  What I am taking my time with is the practical part, the real meditation part.  I don't want to rush that.  It's been a good opportunity to check what I am doing right and how I can improve on my 'technique'.

Housework and colouring made up the rest of the day.

I really almost forgot to mention that there's an important election underway somewhere on the other side of the big blue-grey ocean.  On the one hand, I have been giving it much thought.  On the other hand, I've been trying to ignore it.  I think it will catch up with me soon.

On a lighter note, there's a book coming out today, and it's called 'Clanlands'.  I could have pre-ordered a signed one, but then, I thought, another time.  For now, the gin is in and that's enough.  After more than 27 years, I finally got to pour myself a regular gin tonic again, with some fresh orange juice ... absolutely divine!

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